To someone you are witnessing to, your time of digging into God’s word my be a link God uses to snatch them from the fire. Perhaps your brother needs correction or rebuke your regular study might be useful to get him back on course. As you think about what you have learned and applied to yourself, it may become apparent that it also applies to others. As you wrap up your time of study, pray that God will give you eyes to see how your study can be useful to others. Useful in Ministry to OthersĪlongside the benefit of application to us, Bible study is also meant to flow over into your ministry to the Body of Christ, and the unconverted. And when you are filled to the brim with the pleasures of God, even still, ask Him for even more. Invite the Lord to help you hunger and thirst more for righteousness. As you pray, confess that your times of spiritual apathy have left you unfruitful and unproductive. Ask for more time to open His Word so that you can feed yourself more often. Pray for the contact you will have with others, and that your fire would spread to them also. Pray that the things you are learning will fuel you onward towards greater training and application. Ask the Lord for more desire than you have ever had to continue in studying Him. We often stop just short of tremendous blessing simply because we do not ask and seek for more. Within your closing prayer for Bible study, pray for an unrelenting hunger and thirst for more of the things of God. “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you” (Psalm 119:11). Make it a practice to hide His Word in your heart. There is great benefit in memorizing and meditating on Scripture. Pray for a devotion to Scripture that turns your thoughts to being continually focused on Him, and that will make you ready to apply what you know whatever life throws at you. That is why it is important to have a strong closing prayer.Īs you end, ask God that He will continue revealing what needs to be applied to you daily.
Closing prayer for bible study how to#
But there will be a lot of good thoughts on how to apply even after your time of study ends. As you study, it’s important to recognize that within your time of learning, you will find points of application. There is no benefit to accumulating a wealth of facts and information unless it produces spiritual fruit. The end-all goal of Bible study is application. A great closing prayer for Bible study is simply, “God, help a frail, sinful person like me take in your Word, and make sure it stays there.” Pray for Application The Lord can help you remember what you are learning, and even show you applications that you had not thought about. Without retention there is not much benefit to the discipline of Bible study. The benefit of a lifetime of regular study, and the ability to retain and apply what you are learning, will yield unfathomable results.Īsk for God to do that, and in His time, you will see the results. They should be retained to be most useful.

The things you learn in study are not simply beneficial during that time. The blessing you get from Bible study is not an end in and of itself rather, it is meant to carry over into your daily life. As you wrap up your time of study, there is a perfect opportunity to transition from intake, to asking God for help living out what you are learning. Much emphasis is placed on opening a time of devotion with prayer, but much is to be gained with an appropriate closing prayer for Bible study.